Project Paranoid

In the course of the last two years I was heavily involved in the development of „Project Paranoid“ as lead developer, project lead and controller.


Project Paranoid is the world’s first live adventure with Mixed Reality headsets for four players.

This means that you can still see your friends, while you immerse yourself in breathtaking hologram worlds with them. In addition, other high-quality entertainment technologies ensure an immersive experience that is second to none.

Project Paranoid’s interactive storytelling deals with socially critical future topics and has many different outcomes for your adventure.


Project Paranoid is set in 2029. The climate crisis is escalating and the world is desperately fighting against the uncontrolled increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. But there is hope: After decades of research, the innovative carbon reduction climate program “CREEP” is finally complete! You and your friends are a President and his staff of ministers, tasked with launching the long-awaited program to save the world.

However, your assistant, the artificial intelligence “CC”, notices errors in the system and sends you on a ride through the history of computers to find and solve the unforeseen program errors.


You can play the Project Paranoid escape experience now in Europes biggest gaming hub – the RCadia!

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